Archived Audio Messages 2014
Date | Message | Speaker |
27-Dec-14 | Yeshua is the Only Hope for Humanity John 1:1-17 |
Albert Runge |
20-Dec-14 | Yeshua the Light of the World John 10:22 |
Richard Carruthers |
13-Dec-14 | Witnesses True and False Proverbs 19:28-20:3 |
Elie Nessim |
06-Dec-14 | Faithful Truths Worthy of Acceptance 1 Timothy 1:15-17 |
Albert Runge |
29-Nov-14 | Growing in G-d’s Love 1 John 4:12-16 |
Richard Carruthers |
22-Nov-14 | Lessons in Prudence Proverbs 19:24-27 |
Elie Nessim |
15-Nov-14 | G–d is Love 1 John 4:7-11 |
Richard Carruthers |
08-Nov-14 | Trust The Holy Spirit to Guide You Romans 8 |
Albert Runge |
01-Nov-14 | The Value of Counsel Proverbs 19:20-23 |
Elie Nessim |
25-Oct-14 | Test the Spirits 1 John 4:1-6 |
Richard Carruthers |
18-Oct-14 | The Benefits of Yeshua Isaiah 9:6-7 |
Albert Runge |
11-Oct-14 | Parents and Children Proverbs 19:18-19 |
Elie Nessim |
04-Oct-14 | Yom Kippur – Portrait of Yeshua Leviticus 16 |
Richard Carruthers |
Date | Message | Speaker |
27-Sep-14 | Beware of Hypocrisy Luke 11:37-54 |
Albert Runge |
20-Sep-14 | The Diligent Soul Proverbs 19:15-17 |
Elie Nessim |
13-Sep-14 | God Has the Same Plan of Redemption for Jews and Gentiles Romans 11 |
Albert Runge |
06-Sep-14 | Abiding in Yeshua 1 John 3:24 |
Richard Carruthers |
30-Aug-14 | The Day God Redeems Israel Zechariah 12-13:1 |
Albert Runge |
23-Aug-14 | And Also to the Greek Romans 1:16-17 |
Daniel Nessim |
16-Aug-14 | Fully Assured Before G–D 1 John 3:19-23 |
Richard Carruthers |
09-Aug-14 | Praying For Peace in a World Where There is No Peace Psalm 122 |
Daniel Nessim |
02-Aug-14 | Making Messiah Your Priority Philippians 1:20-26 |
Albert Runge |
26-Jul-14 | The Life of Love in Yeshua 1 John 3:10-18 |
Richard Carruthers |
19-Jul-14 | The Abiding Peace of God Psalm 34 |
Albert Runge |
12-Jul-14 | Purifying Ourselves in Hope 1 John 3:3-10 |
Richard Carruthers |
05-Jul-14 | Our Mission is Making Disciples Matthew 28:18-20 |
Albert Runge |
Date | Message | Speaker |
28-Jun-14 | Children of God 1 John 3:2 |
Richard Carruthers |
21-Jun-14 | Serving Our Lord Through the Assembly Philippians 2:1-4 |
Albert Runge |
14-Jun-14 | The Father’s Amazing Love 1 John 3:1 |
Richard Carruthers |
07-Jun-14 | The Meaning of Pentecost Acts 2 |
Albert Runge |
31-May-14 | Living in Light of Yeshua’s Return 1 John 2:28-29 |
Richard Carruthers |
24-May-14 | Salvation Has Always Been on God’s Grace Genesis 16-25 |
Albert Runge |
17-May-14 | Living in the Last Hour 1 John 2:18-27 |
Richard Carruthers |
10-May-14 | Women Are Significant People Genesis 2-3 |
Albert Runge |
03-May-14 | Love G-d, Not the “World” 1 John 2:15-17 |
Richard Carruthers |
26-Apr-14 | The Three Reliable Witnesses of the Resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:3-12 |
Albert Runge |
12-Apr-14 | The Blessings of Being in G 1 John 2:12-14 |
Richard Carruthers |
05-Apr-14 | God’s Love is Trustworthy John 3:14-21 |
Albert Runge |
Date | Message | Speaker |
29-Mar-14 | The Blessing of Being Persecuted for God Matthew 5:10-16 |
Albert Runge |
22-Mar-14 | The Evidence of Love 1 John 2:7-11 |
Richard Carruthers |
15-Mar-14 | Faith and the Kingdom of God Mark 4:30-34 |
Albert Runge |
08-Mar-14 | Knowing We Know G-d 1 John 2:3-6 |
Richard Carruthers |
01-Mar-14 | Why the Messiah Came Micah 5: 1 – 5 |
Albert Runge |
22-Feb-14 | Yeshua Our Advocate 1 John 2: 1 – 2 |
Richard Carruthers |
15-Feb-14 | The Family is God’s Idea Genesis 2: 18, 22-23 |
Albert Runge |
08-Feb-14 | Life in the Light, and Sin 1 John 1: 5 – 10 |
Richard Carruthers |
01-Feb-14 | Called to be Disciples Matthew 4: 18 – 22 |
Albert Runge |
25-Jan-14 | G-d is Light!! 1 John 1:5 |
Richard Carruthers |
18-Jan-14 | For Me to Live is Christ and to Die is Gain Philippians 3: 7 – 15 |
Albert Runge |
11-Jan-14 | Invitation to Life in Yeshua 1 John 1: 1 – 5 |
Richard Carruthers |
04-Jan-14 | Blessed are the Peace Makers Matthew 5: 9-11 |
Albert Runge |