Archived Audio Messages 2008

Date Message Speaker
20-Dec-08 The Day of the Lord
1 Thessalonians 5:1–4
Elie Nessim
13-Dec-08 Hope in Sorrow
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18
Elie Nessim
6-Dec-08 Can these bones live? How God Brings Hope From Despair
Ezekiel 37:1–14
Richard Carruthers
29-Nov-08 Taught of God
1 Thessalonians 4:9–12
Elie Nessim
22-Nov-08 Love Has Boundaries
1 Thessalonians 4:6–8
Elie Nessim
15-Nov-08 Aim to Excel
1 Thessalonians 3:12–4:5
Elie Nessim
8-Nov-08 Beyond Thanks
1 Thessalonians 3:9–12
Elie Nessim
1-Nov-08 Comforting News
1 Thessalonians 3:5–8
Elie Nessim
25-Oct-08 Afflictions
1 Thessalonians 2:20–3:4
Elie Nessim
18-Oct-08 Hinderances Over–Ruled
1 Thessalonians 2:17–20
Elie Nessim
11-Oct-08 Welcoming God’s Word
1 Thessalonians 2:13–16
Elie Nessim
4-Oct-08 True Children
1 Thessalonians 2:11–12
Elie Nessim
Date Message Speaker
27-Sep-08 Feast of Trumpets
Psalms 81
Elie Nessim
20-Sep-08 Not Burdensome
1 Thessalonians 2:8–10
Elie Nessim
13-Sep-08 The Promises of God
Psalms 125
Daniel Nessim
6-Sep-08 The Message and the Messenger
1 Thessalonians 2:5–7
Elie Nessim
23-Aug-08 Ruth: a Love Story
Ruth 1:1–4:18
Richard Carruthers
16-Aug-08 Not in Vain
1 Thessalonians 2:1–4
Elie Nessim
9-Aug-08 Awaiting Messiah
1 Thessalonians 1:9–10
Elie Nessim
2-Aug-08 Imitators
1 Thessalonians 1:6–8
Elie Nessim
26-Jul-08 In Much Assurance
1 Thessalonians 1:5–6
Elie Nessim
19-Jul-08 Election Demonstrated
1 Thessalonians 1:4–5
Elie Nessim
12-Jul-08 Cause for Thanks
1 Thessalonians 1:1–3
Elie Nessim
5-Jul-08 In God…in Messiah
1 Thessalonians 1:1
Elie Nessim
Date Message Speaker
28-Jun-08 The Hoary Head
Proverbs 16:31–33
Elie Nessim
21-Jun-08 Whisperers
Proverbs 16:28–30
Elie Nessim
14-Jun-08 Two Kinds of Hunger
Proverbs 16:26–27
Elie Nessim
7-Jun-08 Godly Sweetness
Proverbs 16:24–25
Elie Nessim
31-May-08 Doubly Wise
Proverbs 16:21–23
Elie Nessim
24-May-08 Humility’s Riches
Proverbs 16:19–20
Elie Nessim
17-May-08 Wisdom – True Gold
Proverbs 16:16–18
Elie Nessim
10-May-08 Effective Prayer
1 Chronicles 4:9–10
Albert Runge
3-May-08 Abraham’s Test of Faith
Genesis 22
Albert Runge
19-Apr-08 The Good Life
Psalms 34:11–22
Richard Carruthers
12-Apr-08 Magnify the Lord Who Is Good & Rescues From Fear
Psalms 34:1–10
Richard Carruthers
5-Apr-08 Royal Values
Proverbs 16:12–15
Elie Nessim
Date Message Speaker
29-Mar-08 The Ideal King
Proverbs 16:10–11
Elie Nessim
22-Mar-08 Righteous Ways
Proverbs 16:7–9
Elie Nessim
15-Mar-08 Our Sovereign Creator
Proverbs 16:4–6
Elie Nessim
8-Mar-08 Heart–Preparedness
Proverbs 16:1–3
Elie Nessim
1-Mar-08 The Obstacle Removed
Proverbs 15:32–33
Elie Nessim
23-Feb-08 Acceptable Prayer
Proverbs 15:29–31
Elie Nessim
16-Feb-08 False Gifts
Proverbs 15:27–28
Elie Nessim
9-Feb-08 House and Border
Proverbs 15:25–26
Elie Nessim
2-Feb-08 Cheering Counsel
Proverbs 15:23–24
Elie Nessim
26-Jan-08 The Fifth Commandment
Proverbs 15:20–22
Elie Nessim
19-Jan-08 Wrath and Sloth
Proverbs :15:18–19
Elie Nessim
12-Jan-08 Better Things
Proverbs 15:15–17
Elie Nessim
5-Jan-08 Fruitless Scorning
Proverbs 15:12–15
Elie Nessim

Can these bones live? How God Brings Hope From Despair

Magnify The Lord Who Is Good & Rescues From Fear